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Environment Variables

This document outlines the available environment variables for configuring Configarr besides the config files. Each variable can be set to customize the behavior of the application.

Available Environment Variables

Variable NameDefault ValueRequiredDescription
LOG_LEVEL"info"NoSets the logging level. Options are trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal.
LOG_STACKTRACE"false"No(Experimental, v1.11.0) Outputs additionally stacktraces of underlying errors.
CONFIG_LOCATION"./config/config.yml"NoSpecifies the path to the configuration file.
SECRETS_LOCATION"./config/secrets.yml"NoSpecifies the path to the secrets file.
CUSTOM_REPO_ROOT"./repos"NoDefines the root directory for custom repositories.
ROOT_PATHCurrent working directoryNoSets the root path for the application. Defaults to the current working directory.
DRY_RUN"false"NoWhen set to "true", runs the application in dry run mode without making changes.
LOAD_LOCAL_SAMPLES"false"NoIf "true", loads local sample data for testing purposes.
DEBUG_CREATE_FILES"false"NoEnables debugging for file creation processes when set to "true".
TZ"Etc/UTC"NoTimezone for the container.
STOP_ON_ERROR"false"No(Experimental, v1.11.0) Stop execution on any error on any instance.


To use these environment variables, set them in your shell or include them in your deployment configuration via docker or kubernetes.


  • For example you change the default path for all configs, repos with the ROOT_PATH variables. As default it would store them inside the application directory (in the container this is /app)


Check the .env.template file in the repository Github