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Quality Profiles

Profiles you can copy and paste to use for your desired profiles. You can always modify and create own profiles just copy the existing configs as base and modify as wanted.

For example you like the base for the german custom formats:

  • you can either just adjust scorings for specific custom formats
  • or you can copy everything as base and maintain the scores without the need of a forked templates repo

If you are starting to setup probably start taking a look at HowTos

From scratch

You can start to implement and share full profiles directly in the config + custom formats. Everything can be done directly in your configuration without the need to fork or maintain repository.

See a quick example here for defining everything a profile needs

Existing base templates

You can use existing base templates from:

TRaSH-GuidesTRaSH RadarrTRaSH Sonarr
Recyclarr TemplatesRecyclarr RadarrRecyclarr Sonarr

Recyclarr includes will be updated automatically because they are included. Recyclarr Templates themselve NOT and you have to update them if they will be changed in repository.

Language based

We can use the existing templates provided in the TRaSH-Guides (recommended) or Recyclarr to start with a good starting base. Afterwards you can adjust scores as you need them to be or adopt the profile and customize it completely to your requirements. If you need to know how to include those templates see here.

English profiles

TRaSH-GuidesTRaSH RadarrTRaSH Sonarr
Recyclarr TemplatesRecyclarr RadarrRecyclarr Sonarr

English Profiles (Anime)

TRaSH-GuidesTRaSH RadarrTRaSH Sonarr
Recyclarr TemplatesRecyclarr RadarrRecyclarr Sonarr

German profiles

TRaSH-GuidesTRaSH RadarrTRaSH Sonarr
Recyclarr TemplatesRecyclarr RadarrRecyclarr Sonarr

German Profiles (Anime)

Currently (as of 2025-02) no finished profiles exist for German Anime formats. So you can either start with the English ones from TRaSH-Guide and modify with the German language CFs or use some existing templates from the community. Example for starting profiles from scratch here

Community configs 👥🤝🤗 :


Be sure to copy all required configs and templates when using the community projects. And keep in mind that you need to keep track of possible changes on your own.

Modifications / Adjustments

Please check the Config for all available options.

  • Reference for starting full profiles from scratch: here

  • Adjusting the language of a QualityProfile. TRaSH-Guide profiles has added support for the language in their provided JSON files. This will be used if available. But you can also adjust the value also in the config file.

    # ...

    - name: HD Bluray + WEB
    # Support added with 1.7.0. Not support in all *arr applications. Check the application if it is supported.
    language: Any # The name must match available names in *arr
  • Adjusting scoring for custom formats:

    # ...

    custom_formats: # Custom format assignments
    - trash_ids:
    - 9f6cbff8cfe4ebbc1bde14c7b7bec0de # Some existing CustomFormat (this is the ID from TRaSH-Guides)
    - name: HD Bluray + WEB # The existing or new QualityProfile Name. Must match!
    score: 0 # New scoring